Our paintball field is situated just 6 km from Riga in Ogre direction. GPS coordinates: +56° 51' 18.44", +24° 25' 16.90"


If you arrive by car, drive Daugavpils motorway (A6) from Riga in Ogre direction. About 2.5 km after Salaspils turn right on the detour road (A4) in Tallinn direction. Just after the bridge turn right on the first unpaved road, by which you’ll see the sign "PEINTBOLA PARKS 1.2 km". Continue driving unpaved road another 1.2 km until you see Pif Paf paintball park

 If you go from Riga in Ogre direction through Ulbroka, having reached Tallinn detour road, turn right. Drive detour road another 4.3 km until you’ll see the bridge across railway in front of you. Then instead of driving the bridge turn left on unpaved road, by which you’ll see the sign "PEINTBOLA PARKS 1.2 km". Continue driving unpaved road another 1.2 km until you see Pif Paf paintball park.

 If you go by train, take the train from Riga in Ogre direction and get off on the Saulkalne station. Then walk unpaved road about 10 minutes until you reach our paintball park.

 If you go by bus, take the bus Riga-Ogre and get off on the Saulkalne stop. Then get to the railway and walk unpaved road about 10 minutes until you reach our paintball park.



Karte (tuvâk)



Tel: (+371) 26611111

E-mail: info@pifpaf.lv